being korou:

a journal of my convictions & confusions

I have moved. find me at &

A plea

Dear Who,

Lift me up from this senseless heap.
Lift me. Abduct me. Like a UFO
The streets are all knotted together
All the roads leads to the dry well
I have been etching circles on the ground
with my dragging feet

I have traded my skin for sandpaper.
Have dived inside the earth.
Have spat out my soul flying in the air.
I could not hide. nor could I flee

Therefore, please erase me
So that it makes some sense.

(c) Korou Kh 2009


Death cycles

With every breath, I inhale death.
A whiff of the
soft velvety heavy luke-cold smell of death.
I let it roll inside my body for a while.

I exhale.

A somewhat more sizeable death,
a softer velvetier heavier whiff of breath.

It left me a little more Deathless.

(c) Korou Kh 2009


Taste of iron

I stuff my mouth with rusting iron nails
to know what the horse must be feeling.
But I felt nothing.
Perhaps I should nail my tongue with them
then only I can taste it.
But then I wont be able to taste the rain.
So I left it at that.

I sucked the coldness out of those nails
and spit them out, one by one.
Aiming at every other passerby.
They nod at me and leave with a sigh
one said “ yes, this is
one of those things life is made of”

I swallowed the last one with a gulp of breath
If life be made of these,
I need some of it in me.

(c) Korou Kh 2009


Like a jack fruit

Life is like a jack fruit.

He squinted his eyes hard
and looked at life.
At all its intertwined veins
Trying hard to decipher an order.
Hoping with all he is, that he find a reason.
A purpose. A course. An excuse at least.
Life gazed back at him.
Dilated pupils. A blank stare.
Like a paralysed dog. Like an empty well.

Life is like a jack fruit.

(c) Korou Kh 27-11-09


Reeding a Pom

He chewed on the extinguished butt of his biri
And preached, perched on a banana tree:

There is a proper way to reed a pom.
It is, in itself, an art form.
Make sure you have a pom healthy and fit.
So that its juices are intact when you reed it.
First bend the spikes along the hole, and see
It needs to be done slow and affectionately!
Now hold it by its wings
And run your feet along its hinge.
Then press the switch beside the roe
With your middle or little toe.
A handful of light will then
Erupt from the tip of its pane.
Store it in a jar till it reddens, in fact
An empty bottle of Old Monk will be perfect.
There you have a pom nicely reeded
It will last you another decade.

And if you think you know of a better device
Please, let me convince you otherwise.

(c) Korou Kh 27-11-09



A brief silence.

Why now?
Yes, I wish I had done it long before.
And all these time, it was all a pretense?
Maybe. But not to you, to myself.
And me? Was I even there in your mind?
You were in my life. In my mind, I wish I knew what is.
You betrayed me!
Reason betrayed me.

A long silence.

(c) Korou Kh 27-11-09